Immediate data feedback allowed flight engineers to make critical adjustments shortly after each test, enabling multiple tests per day. Previous test programs required week-long delays between flights for data analysis.
DetailUnderwater Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) and Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) operate in extremely demanding environments that require precise and reliable feedback. Inertial navigation solutions must be very accurate…
DetailParker LORD sponsors research to model energy consumption for quadcopter package delivery drones
DetailThis report compares the steps necessary to use magnetometer vs dual-antenna as a heading source for a Cessna 150M flown in a repeated flight profile.
DetailDrones already have their own internal IMU’s, but those IMU’s lack the accuracy needed for larger flight tasks. For shorter flights and recreational flying, the internal IMU is precise enough to keep the drone running as expected. As time goes on, small errors in the IMU readings add up and the total error may end up being very large by the end of a long flight. By using a high precision IMU, we can extend the flight time of the drone by increasing the accuracy of readings, thereby reducing the small errors.
DetailAircraft flight test has traditionally been expensive and time consuming to accomplish, requiring complex hardware design and integration and extensive operational test teams to address aircraft downtime for instrumentation maintenance and calibration, flight operations, and post-flight data handling and evaluation.
DetailOptimize communication, data analysis, and battery life with a Wireless Network
DetailInstant, comprehensive reporting of aircraft health, from nose to rudder
DetailMicroStrain’s miniature, lightweight inertial navigation solutions improve navigational accuracy while reducing power consumption in next-generation unmanned ground vehicles (UGV).
DetailMicroStrain® provides high-performance inertial sensing systems with minimal weight,size, and integration barriers
DetailMicroStrain® inertial sensors provide high performance in a very small and lightweight package. MEMS technologies combined with GNSS/GPS and sophisticated estimation filtering offer accurate and reliable data quantities to provide precise control, stabilization, and pointing at the best value.
DetailTechnology evolves as we improve how information is gathered, analyzed and implemented into various applications. For instance, Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft (-VTOL) can take off, hover and land vertically.
DetailA case study of the Microstrain 3DM-GQ7 with dual antenna and RTK modem to collect navigation and position data using SensorConnect Software.
DetailTransmission Error, also called Torsional Vibration, is the study of the rotational speed of a rotating object. A shaft will not normally rotate in a smooth motion, but will actually accelerate and decelerate as it moves around its cycle. The study of this phenomena is Torsional Vibration.
DetailThe growth of electric vehicles has led to a race to understand and improve battery technology. A leading automotive research organisation chose Prosig to provide the system to assist them in developing the next generation of vehicle batteries
DetailHave you ever wondered if there is a vibration condition monitoring system that can be installed anywhere and then monitored from anywhere else? Even on your smartphone?